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A member registered Feb 08, 2021

Recent community posts

(2 edits)

Are there detailed instructions or a tutorial on how install the Animation part of these Reward Sets and everything that needs to be done so that they perform the same as they do in the demos?    I was trying to find instructions or tutorials on other sites, but have not had any luck.

 Edit: I did some more research and was able to figure out most of the things out based on various sample projects, but if there is a tutorial out there it would be useful to know in case I missed some things.  

Awesome artwork!  For the bimonthly update cycles, is there a way to find out what is being released in each update reward cycle before you become a Patreon member, or do you have to pledge first on patreon before you find out what might be released?  I wanted to check because I am not sure what tier of Patreon to sign up for. Tier 5 seems to be the best because you get animated stuff, but then is the update cycle reward supposed to be unknown before you join or before its release?